All Sunday & Friday services are broadcast live internationally.
Sunday Morning Service
This service is the Gathering for the whole family with a dynamic children ministry and the Love and Power of God given to all. Everyone will experience an ever increasing Life of Jesus, answering all of life’s difficult questions with a view to the fullness of our salvation in Christ Jesus. Come and enjoy with us the music teams that help us all to enter into the Praise and Worship to our Heavenly Father.Service Time: 10 AM – NOON
Sunday Cetatea Sarbatorilor
Cetatea Sarbatorilor este o expresie a unitatii lui Hristos cu Trupul Lui cel viu intr-o intelegere noua si profunda a relatiei noastre cu Tatal ca fii de Dumnezeu. Un numar continuu crescand de fii de pe intreg pamantul vizioneaza emisiunile si primesc descoperirile vii prin care cresc impreuna spre Capul Trupului, Hristos. Cantarile au o inspiratie proaspata si proclama unitatea noastra cu ceilalti fii si cu Domnul Hristos.