Key: F | Tempo: 90 BPM | Time Signature: 4/4
002. Cerul declara Gloria Celui inviat
Key: D | Tempo: 94 BPM | Time Signature: 4/4
003. Eu Te iubesc Isuse
Key: B | Tempo: 105BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
004. Binecuvantati-L pe El
Key: A | Tempo: 124 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
005. In Tine este viata mea
Key: C | Tempo: 115 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
006. Isus viata noastra
Key: D | Tempo: 90 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
007. N-ai asemanare nici in cer nici pe pamant
Key: G | Tempo: 110 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
008. Vedeti ce dragoste Tatal nostru din cer ne-a aratat
Key: A | Tempo: 65 BPS | Time Signature: 6/8
009. Vrednic esti de cinste
Key: F | Tempo: 120 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
010. Acum este timpul
Key: B | Tempo: 120 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
011. Canta, canta, canta Domnului
Key: Am | Tempo: 120 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
012. Deschide-mi ochii sa-Ti vad iubirea
Key: A | Tempo: – BPS | Time Signature: -/-
013. Domnul e puterea mea
Key: A | Tempo: 70 BPS | Time Signature: 3/4
014. El ne-a iubit venind in lume
Key: D | Tempo: 75 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
015. Eu declar Cuvantul e viu
Key: Am | Tempo: 120 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
016. Invierea e puterea
Key: D | Tempo: – BPS | Time Signature: -/-
017. Isus este viu, Isus este Domn
Key: F | Tempo: – BPS | Time Signature: -/-
018. Numele lui Isus ne da victorie
Key: A | Tempo: 112 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
019. Numele Tau laud, Tata Te slavesc
Key: A | Tempo: – BPS | Time Signature: -/-
020. Sa-L sarbatorim
Key: Bm | Tempo: 105 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
021. Sunt bucuros Isus m-a eliberat
Key: D | Tempo: – BPM | Time Signature:-/-
022. Vino si lauda-L in veci de veci
Key: C | Tempo: 75 BPM | Time Signature: 4/4
023. Tu mi-ai deschis un drum
Key: C | Tempo: 95 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
024. Dragostea Ta e minunata
Key: F#m | Tempo: 120 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
025. Acum Sangele Tau Sfant vindeca
Key: F | Tempo: 80 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
026. Dragostea Ta de Tata
Key: Bb | Tempo: 116 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
027. Noi Te inaltam
Key: A | Tempo: 90 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
028. Nu e pacat sa ma poata desparti
Key: C | Tempo: 85 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
029. Totdeauna Va Fi – Kalley Heiligenthal
Key: C | Tempo: 70 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
030. Dragostea Ta Ramane – Newsboys
Key: A | Tempo: 115 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
031. Eu Sunt Fiu De Imparat – Iulia Toader
Key: Bm | Tempo: 75 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
032. Nu Mai Sunt Rob Sa Ma Tem – Bethel
Key: A | Tempo: 80 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
033. Tata Esti Bun – Israel Houghton
Key: A | Tempo: 128 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
034. Cred In Cuvant – Surrounded – UpperRoom
Key: F | Tempo: 70 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
035. Eu Stiu Cine Sunt – I Know Who I Am – Sinach
Key: G | Tempo: 105 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
036. Tu Esti Isus – See His Love – Jesus Culture
Key: E | Tempo: 135 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
037. Esti in min’ – Way Maker – Leeland (Sinach)
Key: E | Tempo: 68 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
038. Bunatatea Ta – Goodness of God – Jenn Johnson
Key: F | Tempo: 63 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
039. Binecuvantat – I’m So Blessed – Cain
Key: Bb | Tempo: 79 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
040. Suntem Una – Make Us One – Jesus Culture
Key: D | Tempo: 100 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
041. Multumesc Ca M-ai Ales – Worthy is The Lamb – Hillsong United
Key: E | Tempo: 72 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
202. Cerul declara Gloria Celui inviat
Key: D | Tempo: 94 BPM | Time Signature: 4/4
204. Binecuvantati-L pe El
Key: A | Tempo: 124 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
206. Isus viata noastra
Key: D | Tempo: 90 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
209. Vrednic esti de cinste
Key: F | Tempo: 120 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
213. Domnul e puterea mea
Key: A | Tempo: 70 BPS | Time Signature: 3/4
220. Sa-L sarbatorim
Key: Bm | Tempo: 105 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
225. Acum Sangele Tau Sfant vindeca
Key: F | Tempo: 80 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
226. Dragostea Ta de Tata
Key: Bb | Tempo: 116 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
229. Totdeauna Va Fi – Kalley Heiligenthal
Key: C | Tempo: 70 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4
239. Binecuvantat – I’m So Blessed – Cain
Key: Bb | Tempo: 79 BPS | Time Signature: 4/4